5 star superior luxury hotel Salzburgerhof
We've been on a journey that has led to us being featured in magazines, blogs and well-known guides in relation to culinary and wellness matters but also with a focus on the hotel as a whole. And we’ve received many awards.
We'd like to thank you! We'll continue this journey with the same passion and sustainability to continually improve our services and turn our satisfied guests into passionate friends of our hotel!
Current awards
- Fallstaff Hotel Guide 2023: 93 out of 100 points & 3 forks
- Gault&Millau 2024: 16 out of 20 points, thus 3 toques
- A la carte 2023: A fixed star of Austrian gastronomy
Namhafte Bewertungsplattformen und Magazine zeichnen das 5 Sterne Superior Luxushotel Salzburgerhof in Zell am See mit selten erreichten Prädikaten aus:
- Fallstaff Hotel Guide 2023: 93 von 100 Punkte & 3 Gabeln
- Gault&Millau 2024: 16 von 20 Punkten und somit 3 Hauben
- A la carte 2023: Fixstern der österreichischen Gastronomie
- Der Salzburgerhof überzeugte in jeder der fünf getesteten Kategorien (Wellness, Zimmer, Service, Kulinarik und Lage) die anspruchsvollen Tester des Wellness Heaven-Guides und ist demzufolge Mitglied der weltweiten Elite-Wellnesshotels.
We are delighted and very grateful to receive such excellent ratings and top-quality awards, which entice guests to come and experience this gourmet and wellness culture for themselves – and make the 5 star superior luxury hotel their personal home in one of the most beautiful regions in the Alps.
Another important sign of quality is the fact that many of our employees have worked here for a long time. They have been connected to the Salzburgerhof for more than 40 years as companions and hosts.